feeding and care of horses

About Pavo

In the past the horse was used for work, in agriculture and mining or to pull carriages. In modern times the relationship between humans and the horse has changed greatly. The horse has become a partner in sport and leisure with a high emotional value. The contemporary role of the horse has meant that the horses nutritional needs have also changed.

The founder of Pavo, Mr de Lang, was aware of the changing nutritional needs of modern horses. In 1963 Mr de Lang founded Stimulan B.V. Located in Zwolle, The Netherlands, the company initially began producing feed for calves. Then in 1968 the brand Pavo (PAardenVOeding) was established and Mr de Lang began to develop and produce specialist horse feeds. Mr de Lang soon realized the future potential of specialist feeds and Stimulan focused solely on horse feeds from the 1980’s onwards.

In 1988 Pavo was sold to U.T. Delfia B.V. and the company moved from Zwolle to Terschuur in 1992. For many people in the Netherlands Pavo is still well known for the giant horse on the side of the factory.

In 1998 U.T. Delfia B.V. was taken over by Nutreco. Pavo remained part of the Nutreco Holding NV until 2012.

In 2002 the production plant in Terschuur became too small and there was no possibility to expand. Therefore the headquarters were re-located to Apeldoorn and production locations were established in Helmond and Heijen.



As of 2010 Pavo has had it’s own specialised muesli production plant in Heijen where no other type of feeds are produced.

In 2011 the headquarters moved again, this time to Boxmeer, and Pavo became part of Nutreco's business unit Hendrix Utd.

In April 2012 Hendrix Utd. was taken over by ForFarmers, one of the largest manufacturing companies of animal feed mixes in Europe. The ForFarmers headquarters are located in Lochem.

The take over had no consequences for the brand name Pavo Paardenvoer. The muesli production plant in Heijen remains and the Pavo main office has been located there since June 2013.